Learn about Trees and Tree Pruning
Chrys B. Gardener
2018-03-20 18:52:12 UTC
Learn about Trees and Tree Pruning in Ithaca!

Cornell Cooperative Extension and the City of Ithaca are once again hosting classes to train Citizen Pruner volunteers. Learn about challenges trees face in the city and how to minimize problems through proper selection and planting. And learn about proper pruning of trees and shrubs.

Classes take place on the following days.
All are being held at Cooperative Extension, 615 Willow Ave, Ithaca 7 to 8:30 PM.
Monday, April 9, 7-8:30PM - Right Tree, Right Place - learn about trees for difficult sites - Dr. Nina Bassuk, Cornell Urban Horticulture Institute
Monday, April 16, 7-8:30PM - Pruning Trees - young and old - Jeanne Grace, City Forester and Keith Vanderhye, Limbwalker Tree Care
Monday, April 23, 7-8:30PM - Pruning Shrubs - make them new again - Monika Roth, Ag Educator, Cooperative Extension
Monday, April 30, 5:30-7PM - Tree ID walk and pruning discussion/demonstration

To sign up, visit www.ccetompkins.org/events or call 607-272-2292<http://www.ccetompkins.org/events%20or%20call%20607-272-2292>

There is a $5 per class fee. Anyone who plans to become a volunteer will have their fees waived.