Foundations of Forest Stewardship Online Course 20% off until 3/21
Steve Gabriel
2018-03-09 22:34:32 UTC
*Foundations of Forest Stewardship *

*(Online Course)*

​Forests are the foundation of the ecosystem we call home in much of North
America. This 6-week course explores the ecology of woodlands and exposes
participants to the wide range of opportunities to engage in stewarding
their woods through management, foraging, and more.

Each lesson *features live video lectures, readings, resources, and skill
building activities* for you to practice locally in your own woods or a
local park or preserve nearby.

Lesson 1 - Knowing our Roots: History & Indigenous Forestry

Lesson 2 - Thinking Like the Forest: Perspectives & Ways of Knowing

Lesson 3 - Patterns and Principles in Forest Ecology

Lesson 4 - Managing the Trees: Planning, Selection, and Felling

Lessons 5 - Finding the Bounty: Wild Crafting and Foraging Ethics

Lessons 6 - Growing Abundance: Cultivating Food & Medicine

While the content is presented in the context of the Northeastern North
American woodland, the patterns and approach will benefit forest dwellers
anywhere who want to learn more about the woods around them and how they
can be active stewards of the forested landscape.

The course is taught by *Steve Gabriel,* ecologist, farmer, and educator,
coauthor of *Farming the Woods* and author of *Silvopasture*.

*Live Webinars are Monday evenings April 2 – May 7*.

If you miss a webinar you can access a recording at a later date.


*Contribute $140 to our Kickstarter campaign before 3/21, and get admission
to the online course + a signed copy of one of our books.*

LINK to the campaign: *http://kck.st/2EyERt5 <http://kck.st/2EyERt5>*


Sliding Scale $75/$125/$175 based on what you can afford. No one turned
away for a lack of funds.

See http://policy.wellspringforestfarm.com for more information.
*Steve Gabriel*
farmer - teacher - author - consultant
607 342 2825

*Farm & Consulting: *
*www.WellspringForestFarm.com <http://www.WellspringForestFarm.com>*

*www.FarmingtheWoods.com <http://www.FarmingtheWoods.com>*

*www.SilvopastureBook.com* <http://www.SilvopastureBook.com>
