5/31: "No-Dig Gardening Techniques" at CCE-Tompkins
Sandra J. Repp
2018-05-30 17:48:58 UTC
No-Dig Gardening Techniques
Thursday, May 31, 6:00-8:00pm
@CCE-Tompkins Education Center, 615 Willow Avenue, Ithaca NY

Reducing tillage in your garden helps preserve soil structure and also reduces the number of weed seeds that germinate each year. This helps improve your soil while also reducing the chore of weeding. At this hands-on class, participants will learn a variety of no-dig techniques, including broad forking, lazy beds and using raised beds. We'll go outdoors so wear your gardening clothes and shoes! Cost: $7-$10/person self-determined sliding scale; pay what you can afford. Pre-registration is required to hold your place in the class, visit http://db.ccetompkins.org/programs/civicrm/event/info?id=1438&reset=1 to pay and sign up online. Questions? Contact Jennie at ***@cornell.edu<mailto:***@cornell.edu> or call her at Cornell Cooperative Extension of Tompkins County (607) 272-2292 with questions.
Details & Map: http://ccetompkins.org/events/2018/05/31/no-dig-gardening-techniques