Food, Farming & Justice Upcoming Events!
Elizabeth Wellspring Forest Farm
2018-09-26 18:53:07 UTC
*Food, Farming & Justice Upcoming Events! *

*Farmers Can Cool the Planet Info. Forum - TONIGHT*
Wednesday, Sept 26, 7:00 – 9:00pm
*Four speakers will present their experiences with increasing soil carbon
while also improving soil fertility, water holding capacity, and resiliency
to their operations.*
@Tompkins County Public Library. FREE. > *More info*

*Building a *Resilient* Local Economy - Conference*

Friday & Saturday, September 28 & 29

*Conference on how we should grow and support local businesses with guest
speakers and workshop sessions.*

*@ Unitarian Church Annex, Ithaca. >More Info & Register

*First People's Festival*

*Saturday, September 29, 11:30 am*

*A celebration of Indigenous peoples of New York State with traditional
music, crafts, displays, and foods. *

*@DeWitt Park, Ithaca. FREE! > More Info.

*Silvopasture: Managing Pasture Animals, Forage Crops and Trees in a
Temperate Farm Ecosystem*
Wednesday, October 3, 6:00-8:00pm

@*CCE-Tompkins Education Center* > *Info & **Register*
*Volunteer Night at the Incubator Farm*

Thursday, October 4, 5pm

*@ Groundswell's Incubator Farm* > Info & Register
*High Tunnels & Season Extension*
Saturday October 6th, Time TBD
*Aaron and Kara of Plowbreak Farm will explain how protected culture
(growing in a protected, covered space) can build resiliency and
predictability for small-scale farms, and provide important, year-round
cash flow and predictability for customers.*
@ Plowbreak Farm CSA, Hector, NY. (Interpretation & Transportation
available). *> Info & Register
*Farming for Justice Discussion Group: Farmers & the Farm Bill*
Wednesday October 10th, 9am - 10:30am,
*@Groundswell Center office, FREE *> Info & to Register

Coming up at Groundswell Center:
*Volunteer Night on the Farm:
<https://groundswellcenter.org/volunteer/> Thurs, Sept 20 5PM*
*Sunset Soiree on the Farm <http://groundswellcenter.org/soiree>: Fri, Sept
21 5PM*
*Plowbreak Farm Tour & Season Extension Workshop:
<https://groundswellcenter.org/events/high-tunnel-workshop/> Oct, 6 2-4PM*
*Farming for Justice Discussion
Oct 10 9AM-10:30AM*

<https://www.facebook.com/groundswellcenter/?fref=ts> • subscribe to our
newsletter <http://groundswellcenter.org/email-list/>*
