10/3: "Silvopasture Workshop" with Steve Gabriel
Sandra J. Repp
2018-09-18 16:07:09 UTC
Silvopasture Workshop
Wednesday, October 3, 6:00-8:00pm
@CCE-Tompkins Education Center, 615 Willow Avenue, Ithaca NY

With Steve Gabriel, author of "Silvopasture: Managing Pasture Animals, Forage Crops and Trees in a Temperate Farm Ecosystem"

Silvopasture systems integrate trees, animals and forages in a whole system approach that offers a number of benefits to the farmer and the environment. Such a system not only offers the promise of ecological regeneration of the land, but also an economical livelihood and even the ability to farm extensively while battling a changing climate. Author and farmer Steve Gabriel will discuss how to integrate silvopasture principles into your homestead and farm and how we can use silvopasture to make agriculture more sustainable by incorporating climate smart solutions.

Fee: $7-$10/person, self-determined sliding scale, pay what you can afford.
Preregistration is required to reserve your place in this workshop. Register/pay online at: http://db.ccetompkins.org/programs/civicrm/event/info?id=1517&reset=1
Questions? Contact Jennie Cramer, Horticulture Program Manager at Cornell Cooperative Extension of Tompkins County, at ***@cornell.edu<mailto:***@cornell.edu> or (607) 272-2292 ext. 146.

About the presenter: Steve Gabriel is an ecologist, forest farmer, and educator living in the Finger Lakes Region of New York State. He passionately pursues work that re-connects people to the forested landscape and supports them to grow their skills in forest stewardship. He is Agroforestry Extension Specialist for the Cornell Small Farm Program and co-owns Wellspring Forest Farm & School with his wife Elizabeth, where they produce mushrooms, maple syrup, duck eggs, pastured lamb, and elderberry extract, all from forest-based systems. The school hosts several educational programs each season with the goal of increasing people's understanding of healthy forests and how they can play a critical role in their stewardship.